Reporting and investigating paranormal stories, activity and unexplained phenomena.
“The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.”
Arthur C. Clarke

Links and Resources
Our recommendations

13000 entries and growing, categorised by type & location.
Darren Mann has done a fantastic job with this website and it's a valuable resource for any paranormal investigator.
Also worth following for regular updates and news via their facebook page.
Recent declassified files from the UK Government
The National Archives contain a wide range of UFO-related documents, drawings, letters, photos and parliamentary questions recorded by the Ministry of Defence.
Although limited, there is still lots of interesting accounts and evidence to explore here.
Worldwide database for near death experience accounts
4900 NDE experiences from all over the world, translated and archived.
The site contains articles, links to active research projects and a community Forum.
Also worth exploring it's sister site - After Death Communication Research Foundation (ADCRF).

Get in Touch
Paranormal Pilgrim is here to investigate strange activity and bring you the latest stories, information and debate.
If you have experienced a strange or supernatural event and would like to share your story, or have us investigate and log your experience, please contact us today.
Our investigation methods are discreet, and we never turn our examinations and site visits into a "ghost hunt" or public event.
Based in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
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